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Hello, happy Monday everyone. Yes! We are open today.


Today Monday 2/17 & tomorrow Tuesday 2/18 the following students will be evaluated for belt promotion. Upon passing, the students will be promoted in classes later this week and early next week. Good luck to the candidates.

Linda Acker

Blake Bernstein

Menna Gamaleldin

Octavia Garrison

Emma Masterpasqua

Areen Neogi

Raymond Wilcox

Bryson Barrett

John Luke Pinakidis

Ryan Sniezevage

Leander Spina

Julian Alexander

Porter Bailey

Leonardo Hess

William Rivel

Christopher Rivel

Ravika Sareen

Joseph Defeo Jr.

Mattis Elliot

Gabriel Stamps

Noah VonHoltz


Saturday 2/22 1:00pm


Take note of the following dates upcoming stripe weeks:

March Stripe Week

3/17 through 3/22




Happy Super Monday!

I’m sure many of you are still celebrating the Eagles victory in the Super Bowl! What better way to celebrate, than to come to the studio and get a good class. For anyone who celebrated a bit too hard, or stayed up too late, no worries!! I can promise you, that after training tonight, you’ll sleep like a baby! Anyway, congrats to the Eagles and hope to see everyone in class ready to get to down to business!


Take note of the following dates for this week and upcoming stripe weeks:

· February Stripe Week

2/10 through 2/15

· March Stripe Week

3/17 through 3/22


Monday 2/17


– Now rescheduled to Saturday 2/22 1:00pm


Some changes to Yoga classes with Sara Fleming: Monday 8:15PM , Tuesday & Thursday 9:30AM, Sunday 10:30AM. Price is $20 sign up here: https://calendly.com/saraknappyoga Venmo payments go to @Sara-Knapp



Happy Monday everyone!

I hope you all had a great weekend, a few quick things to announce today, make sure you take note.


We have scheduled our dates for our annual Summer Camp. Note: Because of when Independence Day falls, we’ve decided to make each of the summer camp weeks non-consecutive. Hopefully announcing the dates this early will help you plan your summer schedule. Price is $250 per week, and $299 for Non-RMAI members. When signing up, be sure to login on member connect to get the member price. Camp is from 8am to 3pm, Monday to Friday.

Week 1: June 23 – 27 Sign up link is here:


Week 2: July 7 – 11 Sign up link is here:




Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend. Nothing new to report regarding events, and special class times.

I wanted to remind everyone that we are on the new schedule (as implemented in December). Be sure to bring your child to class ON TIME! If you’re going to be late, please let us know… Habitual lateness is disrespect in a martial art school. Giving out pushups or burpees for being late is not something we enjoy doing. Students who arrive 15 minutes late or more, will not be given credit for class.

If you’re unsure as to what class to attend, or have trouble making the specified times, please see Master Celona

Also, remember to bring all gear and equipment to every class. If students in the Young Gladiator and Warrior Training classes ranked Orange and Above are in need of sparring gear or training equipment, please see a staff member.


Take note of the following dates for upcoming stripe weeks:

· February Stripe Week

2/10 through 2/15

· March Stripe Week

3/17 through 3/22




Hello everyone!

I wanted to reach out and let everyone know that we are OPEN for classes today. Most of the roads that I saw on my way here were open and cleared. If anyone’s street hasn’t been plowed and can’t make it into class tonight, that’s ok, we would rather you stay safe and warm in your house. Classes are open all week. Anyway, we are here, ready to train! There is GUP testing going on tonight for a few people (see below). We are not cancelling classes tonight, testing students will be evaluated in class.

Be safe out there and stay warm.


Take note of the following dates for upcoming stripe weeks:

· February Stripe Week

2/10 through 2/15

· March Stripe Week

3/17 through 3/22


Today marks the beginning of GUP TESTING. Because of the weather, in case people have a hard time getting in tonight, we will extend testing throughout the week. The following people are eligible for promotion:

Juniper Brown

Dominic Carlino

Elliot Carlino

Daniel Fite

Oishika Hait



Hello everyone and a good Monday to you all…

Due to the snowy weather, and road conditions outside, we will be CLOSED for classes tonight January 6, 2025. If the roads are cleared up by tomorrow, we will be holding classes as scheduled on Tuesday. We will update everyone if that changes. Be safe out there and stay warm.


In light of the closing of classes today, we are having a hangout on ZOOM. If you’d like access, sign up for our Skool community. Information is here: https://www.skool.com/revolutionmartialartsinstitute/about


We are pleased to announce the addition of our most recent RMAI Affiliate after-school program. The Hockessin Montessori School, located in Hockessin Delaware… we will be providing classes after school beginning on Tuesday, January 14. For those who have already signed up for the program, we encourage those people to invite their school friends to the FREE trial class after school on Tuesday 1/7. It should be a lot of fun!




Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a relaxing and memorable winter break. It was great to get a few days to rest and recharge and get ready for 2025! Hopefully this update isn’t too long, but I highly encourage you all to read everything and mark in your calendars all the new things we have to share with you. Let’s go!


See the attached finalized schedule for this Winter. Please note that this schedule reflects the same one we were running the last two weeks of 2024.


We are pleased to announce the addition of our most recent RMAI Affiliate after-school program. The Hockessin Montessori School, located in Hockessin Delaware… we will be providing classes after school beginning on Tuesday, January 14. For those who have already signed up for the program, we encourage those people to invite their school friends to the FREE trial class after school on Tuesday 1/7. It should be a lot of fun!


Our tentative date for Black Belt Graduation of the most recent testing candidates will be on Friday January 17, at 6:30pm. We invite you to all to come and celebrate with us. The standard Black Belt/Cho Dan Bo only class will take place immediately afterwards. Training in the first class as a NEW Black Belt with the other black belts is a special occasion to which I hope you all can attend and participate.



Hello Everyone!

Today is the last day of classes for 2024. I can’t believe we are here already! The year has flown by. I want to wish everyone a happy and memorable Christmas/Holiday/New Year’s/Winter Break. I’m very excited for 2025. I hope I’m not alone in my overall feeling of optimism and eagerness to get started working on new goals for the coming year. I have a variety of new things that hopefully I will get to share with you, beginning in January.

Remember, show up tonight for classes. Let’s end 2024 with some good training!


Last week we experimented with a new format and class schedule. The overall feeling was that people were happy with the times and the split of the class groups. Being that the new format was successful, we’d like to make this schedule change permanent for 2025. From a learning perspective, it proved effective in giving students greater attention, and from a teacher's perspective, it was easier to organize and keep the students on task. We still are evaluating a few students with the idea of inviting them into the next class up, so stay tuned. If you have any questions, please see Master Celona.



Happy Monday everyone!

It’s raining outside, so what better way to pass the time than to come to class tonight! Oh yeah, important information below. WRITE IT DOWN


Due to the class size of our Young Gladiators program, we feel it’s increasingly difficult to properly give students the attention they need. In addition, many of the students in our Little Champions program is on the cusp of transitioning to the standard RMAI curriculum and might be better served in something more akin to our standard Young Gladiator program…. AND with the pending promotion of a few students to Brown and Red ranks… the need to break up the classes into smaller units is greatly needed. For the week leading up to Christmas and our Winter Break, December 16th through the 23rd we are having a special schedule in an effort to better serve the student body. If all goes well, we will make these changes permanent for 2025.

PLEASE, any questions or concerns with availability, or if you’re not sure where your child is supposed to attend, email me, or send me a direct message.

ALSO!! I’m pleased to announce that BUNHAE CLUB is back!!



Hello Everyone!

A few quick reminders… mark it down!


For the Students who are testing this week, once the results are released. Students will be promoted to their new ranks in class, beginning on Wednesday and Thursday. There will be no separate Friday graduation.


Due to the class size of our Young Gladiators program, we feel it’s increasingly difficult to properly give students the attention they need. In addition, many of the students in our Little Champions program is on the cusp of transitioning to the standard RMAI curriculum and might be better served in something more akin to our standard Young Gladiator program…. AND with the pending promotion of a few students to Brown and Red ranks… the need to break up the classes into smaller units is greatly needed. For the week leading up to Christmas and our Winter Break, December 16th through the 23rd we are having a special schedule in an effort to better serve the student body. If all goes well, we will make these changes permanent for 2025.

PLEASE, any questions or concerns with availability, or if you’re not sure where your child is supposed to attend, email me, or send me a direct message.



Hello everyone, I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday. One filled with family, friends, and of course lots of food and snacks (hopefully not too much…). I wanted to say that on behalf of my family and our staff, I’d like to say thank you again so much for your continued support and that we are forever grateful that you choose RMAI for your martial arts journey. I hope I speak for everyone when I say that Revolution Martial Arts Institute is more than just a place to train, but becomes like a home away from home, and all who train here are like an extended family.

Ok, with all that mushy stuff out of the way… lol, let’s get into some important information that everyone must be aware of as we close out 2024. Please make note of everything that follows. Some of it is new.

THIS FRIDAY 12/6/24– NO BJJ Class. 6:30pm Black Belt only class WILL be on as scheduled.

PMAA FINAL - SATURDAY 12/7 10:00AM @RMAI -NO CLASSES! (except KJN Seminar)

This Saturday is the Final PMAA Black Belt exam, so there will NOT be any classes. Good Luck to the following candidates as they test for the following ranks:



Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend. Here’s a few quick reminders to everything going on in the next few weeks as we get ready to close out 2024. (Can you believe that already?!)


85% - Qualifying Pre-Exam - FRIDAY 11/15 5:30PM (no Saturday Run)


Beginning on Monday November 18th, we will now be offering Yoga! We want everyone to welcome Sara Fleming to the RMAI family. Sara has been practicing yoga for many years, and spent many of those years teaching in Portland Oregon and West Palm Beach, Florida… And NOW she’s here with us at RMAI. Classes will be held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings at 9:30am beginning on Monday November 18th. Early bird pricing is $15 per class until 11/16. After which the price will go up to $20. Sign up now, space is limited. Sign up sheet is in the lobby and is open to the public.


As per usual, we will be CLOSED From Thursday November 28th through Sunday December 1st in observation of Thanksgiving. Classes will resume on Monday December 2nd.


Happy Monday everyone!

It finally feels like fall weather out there. The perfect lead into what I want to remind everyone about…


For the full week of November 4th through November 9th, we will once again be having NOBOHK week. Students will NOT wear their uniforms this week. HOWEVER, we are also NOT going to be wearing the normal t-shirt/athletic shorts as per usual. This particular nobohk week will be for students to wear regular clothing that they wear every day in the fall. We are specifically talking, hoodies, sweatshirts, jeans, hats etc. We would recommend ladies if they do wear a dress that they MUST have some type of leggings or shorts underneath. Also, students can bring their bookbag or backpack they bring to school… don’t wear anything expensive or things you’d be upset if it got a little beat up, and for backpacks, don’t put any school related electronics you don’t want broken. We are going for a different experience this time around. Should be great!


Beginning on Monday November 18th, we will now be offering Yoga! We want everyone to welcome Sara Fleming to the RMAI family. Sara has been practicing yoga for many years, and spent many of those years teaching in Portland Oregon and West Palm Beach, Florida… And NOW she’s here with us at RMAI. Classes will be held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings at 9:30am beginning on Monday November 18th. Early bird pricing is $15 per class until 11/16. After which the price will go up to $20. Sign up now, space is limited. Sign up sheet is in the lobby and is open to the public.



I can’t believe it’s November 1st already. Is it me, or is 2024 absolutely flying by? Anyway, I want to give you all a quick update regarding some of the things going on for the remainder of the year, some reminders and some NEW information. So let’s go!


Beginning on Monday November 18th, we will now be offering Yoga! We want everyone to welcome Sara Fleming to the RMAI family. Sara has been practicing yoga for many years, and spent many of those years teaching in Portland Oregon and West Palm Beach, Florida… And NOW she’s here with us at RMAI. Classes will be held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings at 9:30am beginning on Monday November 18th. Early bird pricing is $15 per class until 11/16. After which the price will go up to $20. Sign up now, space is limited. Sign up sheet is in the lobby and is open to the public.


For the full week of November 4th through November 9th, we will once again be having NOBOHK week. Students will NOT wear their uniforms this week. HOWEVER, we are also NOT going to be wearing the normal t-shirt/athletic shorts as per usual. This particular nobohk week will be for students to wear regular clothing that they wear every day in the fall. We are specifically talking, hoodies, sweatshirts, jeans, hats etc. We would recommend ladies if they do wear a dress that they MUST have some type of leggings or shorts underneath. Also, students can bring their bookbag or backpack they bring to school… don’t wear anything expensive or things you’d be upset if it got a little beat up, and for backpacks, don’t put any school related electronics you don’t want broken. We are going for a different experience this time around. Should be great!




Happy Monday everyone, I wanted to give you all a few quick reminders.


Because most students at RMAI are children, we will be closed for classes on October 31st so kids can be free to go Trick or Treating


For the full week of November 4th through November 9th, we will once again be having NOBOHK week. Students will NOT wear their uniforms this week. HOWEVER, we are also NOT going to be wearing the normal t-shirt/athletic shorts as per usual. This particular nobohk week will be for students to wear regular clothing that they wear every day in the fall. We are specifically talking, hoodies, sweatshirts, jeans, hats etc. We would recommend ladies if they do wear a dress that they MUST have some type of leggings or shorts underneath. Also, students can bring their bookbag or backpack they bring to school… don’t wear anything expensive or things you’d be upset if it got a little beat up, and for backpacks, don’t put any school related electronics you don’t want broken. We are going for a different experience this time around. Should be great!



Hello everyone, just wanted to give a quick update for what’s going on in the RMAI universe…


For the Students who are testing for new belt promotions this week. Once all of the results are in, students will be promoted in class beginning on Thursday of this week, also Monday and Tuesday of next week. Depending on when students attend their next class.

Results will be released on Wednesday.


Because most students at RMAI are children, we will be closed for classes on October 31st so kids can be free to go Trick or Treating


For the full week of November 4th through November 9th, we will once again be having NOBOHK week. Students will NOT wear their uniforms this week. HOWEVER, we are also NOT going to be wearing the normal t-shirt/athletic shorts as per usual. This particular nobohk week will be for students to wear regular clothing that they wear everyday in the fall. We are specifically talking, hoodies, sweatshirts, jeans, hats etc. We would recommend ladies if they do wear a dress that they MUST have some type of leggings or shorts underneath. Also, students can bring their bookbag or backpack they bring to school… don’t wear anything expensive or things you’d be upset if it got a little beat up, and for backpacks, don’t put any school related electronics you don’t want broken. We are going for a different experience this time around. Should be great!



Hello everyone!

It’s crazy to think that today is October 1st. The year 2024 is flying by! A few quick reminders and announcements for everyone, if you have any questions, let me know.


This Thursday (10/3), Monday (10/7) and also next Thursday (10/10) we will be running on Special Class times. Due to some scheduling issues, we are going alter schedule slightly for these specific days. Young Gladiator and Little Champions class will be combined. Little Champions will be dismissed after 30 mins. Here’s the information, PLEASE take note:

Thursday 10/3 – Combined Young Gladiator and Little Champions beginning at 5:30pm

Monday 10/7 - Combined Young Gladiator and Little Champions beginning at 5:00pm – additional 15 minutes for green and up will still run as scheduled.

Thursday 10/10 - Combined Young Gladiator and Little Champions beginning at 5:30pm

I hope this brief change is not a major disruption. Please address any concerns to Master Celona mastermcelona@gmail.com



For anyone who is thinking about starting Martial Arts, send them this:

Why Train in Martial Arts at RMAI...


We're adding more Cardio Kickboxing Classes! 8:00pm Thursday still doesn't need a reservation. Tuesday and Wednesday early classes DO need a reservation.


Hello everyone! We have a variety of different things planned as we begin the fall season , be sure to take notes and write down all of the dates, here we go!


Beginning TODAY, we will be back on our normal fall schedule. Class times for little champions, and warrior training will remain the same, as will Saturday classes. The major difference will be the 30-minute time change for the Young Gladiator class on Tuesday and Thursdays to 4:30pm to allow for the return of the added 15-minute additional session for Green Belts and Above. See the attached schedule for details.


Take note that FULL uniform dress code for classes is also in effect. Students will not be permitted to participate in class without their full uniform top and belt…no more T-shirts, YOU WILL BE SENT TO GO GET YOUR UNIFORM.


Most of you know that we have a YouTube channel. If you didn’t know that already, here is the link to check it out:



Happy Monday,

Just a quick reminder, NO-BOHK Week Starts today, until Saturday. See more information below:

WEDNESDAY AUGUST 21 12:00PM -2:00PM: Game Day. Bring board games, dodgeball, races, etc. $20 to attend


With unfortunately so many students away for an extended period of time this summer, we are electing to POSTPONE our tournament until a later date TBD. Same goes for the RMAI Challenge Cup originally scheduled for Sept 6.


Monday August 19th through Saturday August 24th will be No-bohk week, this is where students can wear their T-shirts as well as comfortable workout clothes such as athletic shorts instead of their uniforms. Karate belts are not needed during this week.


Revolution Martial Arts Institute will be closed from Friday August 30th through Monday September 2nd in observation of Labor Day weekend.


Beginning the first week of September, we will be back on our normal fall schedule. Class times for little champions, and warrior training will remain the same, as well as Saturday classes. The major difference will be the 30-minute time change for the Young Gladiator class on Tuesday and Thursdays to 4:30pm to allow for the return of the added 15-minute additional session for Green Belts and Above. See the attached schedule for details.



Hello everyone, I just wanted to give everybody a quick update on everything going on in the next few weeks as we close out the summer. Be sure to take note of all the changes and new events added.

ALSO… Friendly reminder, Be sure to bring ALL of your equipment, and gear to every class. And to avoid consequences, do your best to be ON TIME! Lateness once in a while happens, I get it. Bad habits should be squashed… like a bug.

Oh… one more thing.

Everyone should treat the dojang as a special place where one practices “The Way’.. Allowing little ones to trash the lobby with food, or treat it like a playground is unacceptable. If you use the bathroom, please make an attempt to keep it clean. Everyone is responsible for cleaning up after themselves. If you use the bathroom and leave it looking like you gave the floor your own personal rinse, or you decided to re-decorate with trash or toilet paper all over the floor… or worse, leave me a surprise sea dragon in the toilet. I will call you out by name if I think it was you… it will be embarrassing.

This isn’t just my place, it’s yours as well.

OK let's go!



TESTING!! A few students will be testing DURING CLASSES this week. The current group is small, so we will not be cancelling classes or having a separate Graduation.

WEDNESDAY AUGUST 7TH 12:00PM -2:00PM - AFTERNOON NERF WAR 7 years and older. $20 to attend

*** THURSDAY AUGUST 8TH - Last Day of Afternoon classes. *** note the date change

WEDNESDAY AUGUST 21 12:00PM -2:00PM: Game Day. Bring board games, dodgeball, races, etc. $20 to attend


With unfortunately so many students away for an extended period of time this summer, we are electing to POSTPONE our tournament until a later date TBD. Same goes for the RMAI Challenge Cup originally scheduled for Sept 6.


65% - Qualifying Pre-Exam - FRIDAY 9/20 5:00PM -SATURDAY 9/21 8:00AM CONDITIONING

75% - Qualifying Pre-Exam - FRIDAY 10/18 5:00PM -SATURDAY 10/19 8:00AM CONDITIONING

85% - Qualifying Pre-Exam - FRIDAY 11/15 5:00PM (no Saturday Run)


Enjoy the rest of your week.



I wanted to make sure everyone was fully aware and informed about the BEACH WORKOUT THIS WEEKEND!! So let’s go!

FRIDAY JULY 26 - STUDIO CLOSED – Many of us will be traveling to the beach this day, so no classes.


Here is all the information you will need to know for this year's RMAI Beach Workout:

Remember to purchase a beach tag before entering the beach... Have them conveniently located so that if asked, you can present them quickly.

All RMAI Members past and present are invited to come and join the fun.

Obviously families of students are permitted to observe our training on the beach.

For those who are wondering what to bring, we would recommend you bring anything that you would typically bring for a day at the beach (towel, sunblock, change of clothes, water, umbrella etc..). As far as what Martial arts items you would need, you will not need to bring sparring gear or weapons, just whatever you are wearing to train in. If this is your first year on the beach with us, refer to the dress code below:

Dress code options for students:

Option 1



I wanted to give everyone an update with everything going on for the rest of the summer (so far), so here we go...

INDEPENDENCE DAY -school closed Thursday July 4 and Friday July 5. Classes will resume on Saturday

RED BELT TEST - Saturday July 6th 1:00pm Wish the following students good luck:

Ronald Rosati

Saleema Hajjem


The following Students will test for new ranks on Monday July 8th during their regular class times:

Sam Randolph

Reese Kampf

Avery Murray

Ariah Lukhoo

David Pezzeca

Jonah Winder

Frances Mercurio

Chelsey McHugh

Anna Purcell

Ryan Sniezevage

Bryson Barrett

Rhodes Buccola

Theodore Mirau

Ibrohimkhon Bahodir


5:00pm Beginner BJJ

6:00pm Black Belt Only

7:00pm Gup Graduation


FRIDAY July 19th 6:30pm





Happy Wednesday everyone, today is a rather large update with a lot of information, including Summer schedule. please read everything and take note:

YOUTUBE LIVE with Master Michael Celona & Sensei Chris Hanson: In the lead up to our joint seminar mid-month. Sensei Chris Hanson and I will be doing a few Youtube LIVE streams where we will be exploring some techniques and self-defense skills. Our preview stream will be tomorrow night during our 6:30 class on our YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/mastermcelona), and then Friday 5/3/24 part 2 will be at 4:00pm on The Karate Unity youtube channel. If you haven't already subscribed yet, you're missing out. There's a whole catalog of content for you. Go now and subscribe www.youtube.com/mastermcelona


Speaking of the seminar, We are once again hosting Sensei Chris Hanson from Karate Unity for our Martial Fusion seminar. May 18-19, (Saturday and Sunday) This year will be an expansion on concepts and drills covered from last year's event. This year we are already planning some extra special things... Price is $99 ...AND... we are adding a children's session for Saturday morning (new for this year) children's session price is $45. GO NOW, sign up link is here:


Hello everyone, hope you're having a great day... I want to thank and congratulate everyone who participated in last weekend's PMAA Championships. I'm very proud of everyone and their effort, and I hope it was a great learning experience for all. I also wanted to publicly thank our staff and black belts who dedicated their time, and their entire Saturday to ensure that the event went off without a hitch, we couldn't have done it without you. Also congratulations to our Demo Team on their performance at the event. It was very entertaining, and enjoyed by all of the masters who had a front row seat.

and now... the news



After Master George Celona's visit to our studio last month, and Master Michael Celona's visit to Impact Martial Arts last Saturday... we are hosting Master Angel Celona tonight (April 16th). Please be sure to attend and make her feel welcome. We had a great time at the previous two events... This visit, I'm sure will be great.

TOMORROW: Pilsung Tournament Photo op!

If you competed in last weekend's tournament, be at the studio by 6:15 and BRING YOUR MEDALS AND TROPHIES, we want to take a photo with everyone involved with all of their awards. Even if this year wasn't your year to win anything, you're still part of the team, and we want you in the photo. Picture will be taken during the open mat time 6:15-6:30pm



This is the update for this week... take note:

Tonight's practice in all classes are tournament style. Many of you have your names on our tournament sign up sheet. Which by the way... those who have not turned in their applications, and paid... need to do so right away. Early registration discount ends on April 1st. Come in tonight, and get your work in. We know the other Pilsung Studios are preparing... you should as well.

3/23/24 (SATURDAY) No classes.


While we have been devoting a few minutes throughout the last few weeks to tournament practice, we have not set aside specific days to devote fully to preparation for the tournament. The following days and times are specifically set for tournament practice... as the event gets closer, we will likely add more:

Thursday March 21st - All Classes

Monday March 25th - All Classes

Tuesday March 26th - All Classes


Saturday April 13th at Strath Haven High School

All students of all ages and ranks are encouraged to attend. Price is $50 and includes all events. We will be holding dedicated practices for the students to prepare. Any questions, see a staff member or Master Celona


Good Morning,

Here's the news update for the things coming up this week...

NO BOHK: For this whole week (March 11th through the 16th) we will be training in the format of "No-BOHK" meaning training in regular clothing or athletic shorts and t-shirt. No martial arts belts will be worn with your regular clothes. Just show up in what you wear everyday if you choose.


Students who are interested in the BJJ class, are permitted to try it out. The trial program is the same as the Karate program (4 weeks for $49.99). The only difference is that you have to purchase a BJJ Gi (uniform) as your Pilsung Dobohk will rip.

This program is NOT open to Little Champions, and Young Gladiator students need special permission by Master Celona if he determines you'd be good for the class.

Anyone in the 6:30pm class should be able to participate.


Some of you may or may not know that Master Celona's cousin George and his wife Angel are Master Instructors and own Impact Martial Arts in Perryville, Maryland. For many years Master Celona and his cousin trained together at Shin Karate in Philadelphia when they were children. After all this time, we've finally set some days aside where we get to train with each others students. On March 30th, Master Celona will be visiting Impact Martial Arts to do some training. In addition, each of the 'other two Master Celona's will visit RMAI for training.


Good Morning and Happy Monday!

Here's the news...

A reminder that tonight is Gup testing for those who are eligible as per our last email. Testing group is not large enough to cancel classes tonight, so we will still be holding class according to our regular schedule.


While we have been devoting a few minutes throughout the last few weeks to tournament practice, we have not set aside specific days to devote fully to preparation for the tournament. The following days and times are specifically set for tournament practice... as the event gets closer, we will likely add more:

Tuesday February 27th 8:00pm -9:00pm (open)

Wednesday February 28th 6:00 -6:30pm (Young Gladiators only) 8:00 -9:00pm (Warrior Training only)

Thursday February 29th - All Classes

Tuesday March 5th 8:00pm -9:00pm (open)

Wednesday March 6th 6:00 -6:30pm (Young Gladiators only) 8:00 -9:00pm (Warrior Training only)

Saturday March 9th - All Classes

Friday March 15th 6:00pm 8pm (Red and above only)

Thursday March 21st - All Classes

Monday March 25th - All Classes

Tuesday March 26th - All Classes

ALSO.. turn in your applications ASAP!



I wanted to send out an update today to let you know some of the things we have going on. If you check your email, we are trying out a new email editor... it's super fancy... Hope you like it. I feel like it gives everyone the ability to navigate things and find links to things much quicker and easier, also I can add pictures and videos much easier... send me a message to let me know what you think.

OK... so now the updates.


On Monday, during regular class times, we will be holding Gup testing for students to be promoted... Upon passing the examination, New belt ranks will be awarded the following Friday. Students eligible are:

Primael Badou

Triumph Badou

Ibrohimnhoa Bahodir

Amar Gill

Colby Jones

Levi Jones

Reese Kampf

Alexander Krout

Mabel Matlin

Abdelrahim Menadli

Frances Mercurio

Anthony Pelaez

Sophia Pelaez

David Pezzeca

John luke Pinakidis

Leander Spina

Jonah Winder

Good Luck to all the candidates.


Saturday April 13th at Strath Haven High School

All students of all ages and ranks are permitted to attend. Price is $50 and includes all events. We will be holding dedicated practices for the students to prepare. Any questions, see a staff member or Master Celona


Happy Monday everyone,

I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding with the recent closures with the weather we've had. I hope you all have had a nice weekend, and your children had a chance to go out and play in the snow. Now that we've all had the opportunity to dig ourselves out, it's Monday and time to get back to work, so let's go.


Being that the snow caused us to delay our belt graduation ceremony, we will be conducting graduations this week. If you tested last week, Children will be promoted in the Young Gladiators class Monday & Tuesday, Teens and Adults will be promoted on Tuedsay night.


On Friday night, 1/26/24 at 6:30pm, as part of our Friday night Black Belt only class... We will also be holding our Black Belt promotion ceremony. For family members attending, we will be conductin the graduation at the very start of the class, before our regular warm up. All members Cho Dan Bo and up are invited to train. Congratulations to Jocelyn and Lauren again on their upcoming promotion.


In case you are unaware, we are forming our Demonstration Team for the Winter/Spring 2024 Season. The team is currently in the planning stages for its performance at the upcoming PMAA tournament. Students in the Young Gladiators class and the Warrior Class are eligible. Spots are limited, so sign up today. Practices will be every other Saturday (after regular classes) Sign up sheet is in the lobby. See Mr. Kurchan for more details.


WEATHER UPDATE: Due to the ongoing snow, classes and graduation for today 1/19/2024 will be CANCELLED. Gup Graduation and new ranks will be presented on Monday and Tuesday of next week during classes. Updates regarding tomorrow's classes will be released later, depending on what time the snow stops. Stay warm!

Master Celona


Hello everyone,

Due to the weather and freezing temperatures tonight, we are cancelling classes for this evening. If the roads are in better condition tomorrow, classes will be back on schedule. We will update everyone around 2-2:30pm tomorrow for confirmation.

Be safe out there, see you tomorrow.

Master Celona

***** from previous updates *****

1/18/24 WILMINGTON FRIENDS SCHOOL Martial Arts Program.

Our newest affiliate program begins at 3:30pm on Thursday 1/18. For any Black Belts who are interested in assisting in this program should see Master Celona. You must provide your own travel.

1/19/24 GUP GRADUATION 7:00pm

Students who pass the test on Monday will be promoted Friday 1/19


In case you are unaware, we are forming our Demonstration Team for the Winter/Spring 2024 Season. The team is currently in the planning stages for its performance at the upcoming PMAA tournament. Students in the Young Gladiators class and the Warrior Class are eligible. Spots are limited, so sign up today. Practices will be every other Saturday (after regular classes) Sign up sheet is in the lobby. See Mr. Kurchan for more details.


Hello everyone,


Important!! Tomorrow's,(1/15/24) MLK DAY Holiday Camp has been CANCELLED. We apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused, but we will not be having the day camp tomorrow. There will be an open mat training from 12:00-2:00pm however for those who may want some extra practice time, and we WILL be open for regular classes, and testing tomorrow.

The Following information is re-broadcasted from the last email.


On Monday 1/15 we will be holding our GUP testing. In the last two years we've experimented with different formats regarding testing. We want to announce that in 2024 we will be returning to our ORIGINAL format, which is: MONDAY belt exams will be given, and FRIDAY passing students will be promoted. The week long testing format in classes, did not produce the intended results. Students who wish to move up in rank, should make arrangements to be at the studio ON TIME on the day of the test to be considered for advancement. The loose format we adopted over the last few years actually was detrimental to the advancement of the students, the original format was considerably better.


Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great first week of 2024. I wanted to make a few announcements and reminders for everyone. Be sure to mark in your calendars all of the upcoming dates to be sure you don't miss anything... here we go:

1/13/24 RED BELT TESTING 1:00pm

The following people are elgible for promotion if they acquire all of their progress stripes

Maddie Clark

Ronald Rosati

Michael Carbonara

Sam Shieber

1/15/24 MLK DAY Holiday Camp

In light of everyone being off from work, and school in observation of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's holiday, We thought we might offer the opportunity for interested students to come to our Day Camp on Monday 1/15 from 8am to 3pm. Price is $50 and will be a great day to get some good training in. In addition to having a regular training class. Students who are eligible for Monday's promotional exam will be tested in the morning (to avoid having to come back in the evening for testing). This event is not for Little Champions, only Gladiator and Warrior programs. Format for the day will be similar to a school day with different subjects covered each hour. If you are someone who needs extra help in a particular area, this day will benefit you greatly. Tentative format is as follows:


Hello everyone,

A quick news update... TAKE NOTE.

This Friday


Friday December 15th at 6:30pm


Beginning Monday 12/18 through the week until 12/22 eligible students for promotion will evaluated during this time.

END OF YEAR TRAINING 2023 - Saturday 12/23/2023

Each year we spend the week between Christmas and New Years with family and preparing for the holidays as well as the upcoming new year. One tradition we always have is our annual year end training. I would HIGHLY encourage everyone to be there on Saturday 12/23 for classes as we close out 2023.


Studio closed on 12/24/2023 through 1/1/2024

Classes will resume on TUESDAY 1/2/2024


As we have done in the past, when many of the white belts move on to orange belt and the class shrinks in size, we tend to combine the two young gladiator groups. Refer to the following schedule (attached below) beginning on January 2. Note the addition of the extra 15 min for green belts and higher


Tentative date: 4/13/2024 Strath Haven High School (save the date)



Hello everyone!

I hope everyone had a great and enjoyable Thanksgiving Holiday. Hopefully you all had the time to spend with your family. I am reminded every year of what is truly important and I am thankful for everything that I have and that which I've been blessed with. My wife Lisa, and son Max are forever grateful for having you all as a community and extended martial arts family. We wouldn't exist as a studio without you.

I would also like to mention how grateful I am for the RMAI Staff and my Black Belts which held down the fort, and ran all of the classes during the shortened week. For Kevin Dolan, The Shoreys, The Kurchans and Maddie Clark, I want to thank you all again for a great job. I hope everyone is aware of everything they do for the studio, and the ways they all contribute behind the scenes.

and without further ado... the news.


Beginning the week before Thanksgiving and ending this week, some students have already received their new ranks, the following people are eligible for promotion this week if they meet all of the requirements:

Adrienne Ackerman

Giles Ackerman



Happy Monday everyone,

and now.. the news.

I wanted to get this week's update out today so people can make arrangements and plan accordingly. Classes for this week are on normal times as scheduled. For those who may have missed the information posted about last week's black belt testing and other events in the past, I highly recommend following all of our social media accounts, make sure your email is current, and bookmark our RMAI-NEWS on our website so that you will stay updated on everything going on. Links are always provided at the bottom of every email... be sure to scroll down to the bottom.. We provide updates at least once a week, especially when we have events and special class times/cancellations etc.. Just like I tell the students to fix their chambered hands and stances... parents, please... I love you all... BUT PLEASE READ THE UPDATES!!

OK.. speaking of events, we have coming up this Saturday our...


We are having a Nerf Party on 11/11 from 5 -7 pm. All students ages 7 and older are permitted. Here's what you need to know:

7 and older...

If we have a lot of kids who are 10 and older, we will split into two groups and they will have their nerf battle in shifts to try and limit the possibility of bigger/more aggressive older kids hurting or upsetting younger children.



Hello everyone!!

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Halloween. I feel good that I didn't over indulge in candy this time around... (hope you didn't either). Here's what's going on...

This FRIDAY Schedule:

5:00pm BJJ

6:00pm Black Belt Only


Last fall we hosted a few FREE intro lessons for people to try martial arts. These events were a huge success, and those who participated last year, are in fact still training here a whole year later. (awesome) If you know anyone who might be interested, send them the link below. In addition, if anyone would like to help and assist in this class, let me know. These events are FREE, you just need to reserve your spot. sign up here: https://revolutionmartialartsinstitute.sites.zenplanner.com/event.cfm?eventId=F39DA1DD-7B74-4989-A79F-8C1E7970FCE9



TEST #2 RMAI Black Belt Final Cut (85%) 11/4 (Saturday) 9:00am

Remember...TEST #3 P.M.A.A BLACK BELT FINAL EXAM 12/9 @Bucks County Karate 10:00am



Hello everyone!!

I hope you all are having a great week, a few quick things of note...

This Friday we are on REGULAR schedule. (5:00 BJJ, 6:30 Black Belt Only)


Regular Classes will be held at normal times... does not affect Black Belt testing outdoor portion (held separately) - meet at 9:00am at the Swarthmore College Track

Bring: Shoes to Run on the track, even better.. shoes for track and trail running. Water, workout clothes or clothes for training off the track/in the woods (long pants are ideal).

optional... bug/mosquito/tick spray. You can bring a small backpack to carry everything if you chose. (it will help you get a better workout if you wear it)

Parents may follow along to each workout station if they chose, or pick up at the parking lot after... we will have at least two adults present. ALSO... ANY BLACK BELT is invited to participate.

We're gonna have FUN!


Last fall we hosted a few FREE intro lessons for people to try martial arts. These events were a huge success, and those who participated last year, are in fact still training here a whole year later. (awesome) If you know anyone who might be interested, send them the link below. In addition, if anyone would like to help and assist in this class, let me know. These events are FREE, you just need to reserve your spot. sign up here:


Hello everyone!!

I hope you all had a great weekend. I want to thank everyone stopped by our promotional booth yesterday at the Media Fall Festival, and the weekend before at the Springfield Family Festival. It was a good time to be out in the community doing events and meeting people again. It was nice to run into a bunch of former RMAI students, hopefully we see some of them in class again in the near future (if you're reading this, you know who you are) !!!

Since today is Monday, I'd like to fill everyone in on a few important announcements.


5:00 BJJ

6:00 BLACK BELT ONLY - note the time change.

7:00 FREE INTRO EVENT (see below) - I highly encourage and request at least four black belts who can stay and help out with this. Quite a few people have registered for this event, and we'd like to have as many helpers as possible.


Last fall we hosted a few FREE intro lessons for people to try martial arts. These events were a huge success, and those who participated last year, are in fact still training here a whole year later. (awesome) If you know anyone who might be interested, send them the link below. In addition, if anyone would like to help and assist in this class, let me know. These events are FREE, you just need to reserve your spot. sign up here:



Hello everyone!!

I hope you all had a great weekend. I want to thank everyone who came to the Whistlekick Free Training Day Mid-Atlantic seminar on Saturday. If you weren't there, it was a great day to experience different martial arts and concepts taught by instructors from all over the region, some as far away as Vermont. Hopefully we have the opportunity to participate again next year.


Click here:



Our Black Belt testing cycle for the fall winter this year will experiment with a slightly different format. Instead of three separate qualifying exams, we will run two tests before the PMAA final in December, the physical conditioning requirement portion of the exam will also take on a different format, this portion will take place likely between test #1 and #2 and that date is TBD we aren't divulging any other details about that right now, just know it will be epic... As far as the technical portion of the exam, here are the dates:


As a student coming up through the belt system of the Pilsung Martial Arts Association, there is a certain level of general knowledge he or she must have an understanding of, along with the physical requirements, before being able to advance to each new rank.

In early stages of training, the questions start off rather basic.

10th Gup–White Belt

What is our Style? Pilsung Moo Do.

What is the name of our school? Revolution Martial Arts Institute.

Who is your instructor, and what is his rank? Master Michael Celona, 6th Dan.

Who is the Grand Master and what is his rank? Grand Master Young H. Kwon, 8th Dan.

What is the name of our organization? Pilsung Martial Arts Association.

What year was the Pilsung Martial Arts Association founded? 2009.

What does PILSUNG mean? Certain Victory.

The more evolved a student gets with their physical training, the more their general knowledge ought to build alongside it like pieces to a puzzle.

9th Gup–White with Black Line

Name the 5 Codes:


Hello everyone!!


We are bringing back the popular NO-BOHK class! All Classes THIS WEEK (9/11-9/15) will be in the NO-BOHK format... meaning students are permitted to wear regular workout clothing, NO Dobohk or Belts required. Athletic Shorts, or even uniform pants with t-shirt is ok. Jeans, winter coat and scarf... it's up to you. No uniform (dobohk). Friday's (9/15) BJJ class will be NO-GI. - EXCEPT FRIDAY BLACK BELT ONLY CLASS and SATURDAY... (9/16 TESTING) Full Dobohk!


For those who lost the link, or accidentally deleted it... or maybe it went into spam.. Here's the student manual:- RMAI MANUAL PDF


FALL Schedule in effect. (See Below) if you have any questions as to which class you should attend, See a staff member.


The following students are eligible to test for their next rank on Saturday 9/16/23.


Theodore Mirau

Rhodes Buccola

Linda Acker

Alexander Krout

Ada Buccola

Mabel Matlin

Wyatt Krout

Jack Kaminetsky


Amar Gill

Bella DeMarco

Jacen Saliba

Julian Saliba

Maximus Celona


Hello everyone!!


For those who lost the link, or accidentally deleted it... or maybe it went into spam.. Here's the student manual:



FALL Schedule in effect. (See Below) if you have any questions as to which class you should attend, See a staff member.

ALSO... ALL students MUST be in FULL DOBOHK. T-shirts will not be permitted in classes. Please be sure to pack full uniform (jacket, pants, and belt). Students will not be permitted to join class without it. Parents, please avoid unnecessary inconvenience, and confirm your child has all the contents they need for class. That being said, it brings me to the next item...

2023 Fall CLASS SCHEDULE.jpg

Hello everyone!!

I wanted to take the time and send everyone a message with a few important updates...


From Friday 9/1, until Monday 9/4 we will be CLOSED for the Labor Day Holiday. We will reopen again on Tuesday 9/5 with our new FALL Schedule in effect. (See photo) if you have any questions as to which class you should attend, See a staff member.

T-SHIRTS: Beginning on TUESDAY September 5th, ALL students MUST be in FULL DOBOHK. T-shirts will not be permitted in classes. Please be sure to pack full uniform (jacket, pants, and belt). Students will not be permitted to join class without it. Parents, please avoid unnecessary inconvenience, and confirm your child has all the contents they need for class.

SPARRING GEAR: Students who own sparring gear must bring it to every class, whether we plan on sparring or not. Being prepared is one of the lessons we aim to teach in martial arts. Beginning September 1st. Students who forget to pack it, will sit and watch sparring, and will not participate. Remember, students who are green belt, cannot progress without owning a set of sparring gear. The 5th stripe for green and above is not only for "One-Step Sparring", but for ALL Sparring. Families with multiple children may inquire about a quantity discount.


Hello everyone!!

A few important details regarding this week's schedule and the BEACH WORKOUT this Saturday... here we go!

Anyone who recently tested for new belt ranks last week, but could not attend graduation will be promoted in classes this week.

Normal class times will be in effect Monday through Thursday. This FRIDAY and SATURDAY the studio will be CLOSED (See below)


9:00am start time.

This event is open to EVERYONE! For those who normally plan on coming to class on Saturdays, know that class will be held at the BEACH.


Meeting time 8:30am on the beach in between 4th and 5th street. Look for the large GREY tent.

Parking is in between 5th and 6th street (start of Boardwalk)

Public Restrooms are on 6th Street

Beach Tags: Ocean City requires people purchase beach tags to be on the beach... normally they set up a place at each entrance to buy them. They are required only for people 12 and older, they are $10. You are responsible for your own beach tags. Normally we are done training before beach patrol comes around and asks... so as long as you don't leave mid-way... you are at your own discretion.


Happy Monday everyone!

Congratulations to the following people on the promotion to their new Black Belt ranks!

Magdalena Guron 2nd Dan

Eydiejo Kurchan 2nd Dan

Nathan Dur 1st Dan

Mark Bertotti 1st Dan

T-SHIRTS: For those who ordered new t-shirts. They have arrived, see a staff member to collect your order. In addition, we have put the Blue Long sleeve t-shirt, and the last remaining Red 2020, and Grey Pilsung 2018 shirts on clearance for $5.

7/15/23 - 7/21/23 GUP TESTING & Graduations

TESTING LIST: The following people are scheduled to test for their new ranks on Saturday July 15th.


Sam Randolph 8th Gup Orange Belt

Johnathan Ngo 8th Gup Orange Belt

Elodie Ackerman 8th Gup Orange Belt

Bea Perry 8th Gup Orange Belt

Jesse Saliba 8th Gup Orange Belt

Madelyn Ngo 4th Gup Blue Belt

Karter Barrett 4th Gup Blue Belt

Matteo Schuhl 3rd Gup Brown Belt

Logan Showers 3rd Gup Brown Belt

Ronnie Ferri 3rd Gup Brown Belt


Lars Heinrich 2nd Gup Red Belt

Milo D'Andrea 2nd Gup Red Belt

Michael Carbonara, Jr. 1st Gup Red Belt with White Stripe



Happy Monday everyone!

I wanted to make sure I got this week's update out today so everyone can make plans and preparations...


Beginning tomorrow (6/27/23) we will be adding our annual morning classes for students in both Young Gladiators and Warrior Training programs. Every Tuesday & Thursday from 11:00am to 12:30pm (with the exception of the Fourth of July). This is a mixed age and rank class, so be prepared to work hard... take advantage of the ability for you to get your classes in early in the day.


Refer to the following times for this Saturday only

9:00 -9:30am Little Champions

9:30-10:30am Young Gladiators

10:30-11:30am Warrior Training.

Please make a note, this week only

7/4 & 7/5 INDEPENDENCE DAY HOLIDAY (studio closed)


We are now booking self-defense seminars for groups of about 10 or more. This is perfect for small business owners and social groups looking for team building, self-defense training, or just something fun and different. Seminars can take place at RMAI or at your facility. Email mastermcelona@gmail.com for more information.


Hello Everyone,

A few quick things:

6/12/23 - 6/16/23 GUP TESTING POSTPONED

Due to the flooding experienced on Monday and subsequent clean up effort on Tuesday, we were not able to properly tests students for promotion. This will be taken care of next week. Thank you for your patience.


6/17/23 - 1:00PM


Next week is our Karate Summer Camp! Sign up at the link below for the week of June 19-23 8am to 3pm



We are now booking self-defense seminars for groups of about 10 or more. This is perfect for small business owners and social groups looking for team building, self-defense training, or just something fun and different. Seminars can take place at RMAI or at your facility. Email mailto:mastermcelona@gmail.com for more information.


Summertime also means that our schedule is open to accepting private lessons. High level, premium 30 minute private lessons to improve your skills. Limited spaces available, click here: https://revolutionmartialartsinstitute.sites.zenplanner.com/scheduler-calendar.cfm?appointmentTemplateId=0D89C2CA-E937-48BA-A4AF-4CCDD6B61E8C


Hello Everyone,

I wanted to thank everyone who showed up to DODGEBALL NIGHT! We had a huge turnout and it was good to let all the kids run around and have fun burning off some energy. We will do it again soon!

Just a few quick reminders and announcements for today:

Saturday - 6/10/23 PMAA Black Belt Final Exam @ Revolution Martial Arts Institute

10:00am NO CLASSES! Good luck to the following people on their test:

Magda Guron

Jocelyn Kurchan

Eydiejo Kurchan

Nathan Dur

Mark Bertotti.

T-SHIRTS: (update)

From Memorial Day to Labor Day, students will be permitted to wear t-shirts in class. They MUST be OFFICIAL RMAI T-shirts. NO Exceptions... Any year or design is acceptable, it just must be one of ours. We still have a few shirts in various sizes available from previous years. If you need to order one, you can see a staff member. Price is $20. Students may also wear full uniform if they wish. We have a list in the lobby near the door, for when we re-order our shirts.

6/12/23 - 6/16/23 GUP TESTING & Graduations


6/17/23 - 1:00PM



Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend, and took time to reflect and remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for us to be able to have the freedoms we enjoy today.

A few quick reminders about things taking effect TODAY!! As well as some other things coming up... here we go!

NEW SCHEDULE: (see below) is in effect now. Take a note how the Young Gladiators group is combined for the summer (as is our normal practice). Morning classes will be added June 27th. If you're confused which class you should attend, see a staff member.


From Memorial Day to Labor Day, students will be permitted to wear t-shirts in class. They MUST be OFFICIAL RMAI T-shirts. NO Exceptions... Any year or design is acceptable, it just must be one of ours. We still have a few shirts in various sizes available from previous years. If you need to order one, you can see a staff member. Price is $20. Students may also wear full uniform if they wish.

6/3/23 DODGEBALL NIGHT (bring a buddy event)

The last dodgeball night we had was back in 2013!! Come hang out and play various forms of dodgeball with us, and if you want, BRING A BUDDY (preferably a non-martial arts buddy) to come see our studio. This event is FREE! Ages 7-11 only.


Over the last few months, I’ve been thinking a lot about how I wanted to make my reintroduction to this blog. Aside from still trying to nail down a catchy title, this makeshift RMAI designated news and discussion forum started off fairly well. While it wasn’t the most consistent, I was motivated to draw in readers and martial arts enthusiasts with different discussion points.

Then, somewhere along the way, writing— something that’s always come natural to me— didn’t seem so natural anymore.

The desire or motivation to write wasn’t as strong as it used to be. When I did find a suitable topic that sparked some interest, I couldn’t efficiently organize my thoughts and every sentence appeared erratic. Even now, I have a picture in my head of exactly what I want to say and how to say it, and yet, barely three paragraphs in, I'm struggling to articulate it.

Maybe I’ve lost my edge.

In the last blog post, I discussed the difference between motivation and discipline. Motivation is our internal drive or reason for action and discipline is the force that keeps us going despite any contrary desires to give up if and when motivation loses its flame.



Hello Everyone,

Short week this week, I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of everything coming up.

GUP TESTING All this week. Due to the small number of people eligible, we will not be having a separate test. Throughout classes, students will be evaluated for promotion.

New ranks will be awarded to those passing in classes throughout the week.

Here is the current list of eligible people:

Graham Bovard

Francis Hannon

Gloria Guo

Ethan Lin

Krish Bhatta

Lachlan Mason

Ellevina Reece

Mabel Matlin

John luke Pinakidis

Jack Kaminetsky

Linda Acker

Rhodes Buccola

Nikhil Narayan

Reese Kampf

Kian Narayan

Andrew Westervelt

Good Luck everyone!

NEW Blog post by Maddie, check it out here:


5/26-5/29 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND (Studio Closed)

5/27 NAFMA NATIONALS Martial Arts Championships - Atlantic City, NJ

NEW SUMMER SCHEDULE: 5/30 All classes will begin to operate on our summertime schedule. (See Below) If you have any questions as to which class you should attend, see a staff member. Daytime classes will be added on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 11am for all students 7 and older beginning on June 27th.



Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend. For those who attended the PMAA Training Seminar this past weekend, I would like to thank you for your support. We will use any and all feedback to make next event that much better. It was good to get together and train with other martial artists from our member studios.

We have a number of calendar changes and summer schedule information to announce as well as some important dates for events in the near future, but FIRST...

Schedule this week: All classes are at normally scheduled times all this week. In addition, our DEMONSTRATION TEAM is getting ready to start back up again. The first meeting is this Saturday at 12:30pm. For more information, speak to Master Celona, Mrs. Shorey or Mr. Kurchan

NEXT WEEK! We are bringing back the popular NO-BOHK class! All Classes on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday will be in the NO-BOHK format... meaning students are permitted to wear regular workout clothing, NO Dobohk or Belts required. Athletic Shorts, or even uniform pants with t-shirt is ok. Jeans, winter coat and scarf... it's up to you. No uniform (dobohk). Friday's (5/12) BJJ class will be NO-GI. For those who'd like super cool workout gear for next month's NO-BOHK week, you should check out our...


Hello Everyone,

I wanted to remind everyone of the next few things going on, take note:


Friday 4/21/23 5:00pm (if you have to retake the written exam) 5:30 Technical Exam.

Saturday 4/22/23 8:00am Physical Conditioning (the track @ Strath Haven Middle School)

2023 MARTIAL FUSION SEMINAR with Chris from Karate Unity

I want to thank everyone who attended the seminar this past weekend. It was a great time in which we explored other methods of training, and got to learn additional techniques to add to our personal arsenal. We will continue to post video content captured from this weekend. If you were not able to attend, you can see some of the videos already put out on our youtube channel. In addition, you can get additional training at the PMAA Seminar on April 29, see details below!


Saturday April 29, 2023.


Bucks County Karate

800 Bustleton Pike, Unit 1D

Richboro, PA 18954

For the first time in at least 5 years. The Association Master instructors will be hosting a special seminar open to all members. Specialized, detailed instruction will be given to improve your technical proficiency, and overall depth and understanding. This was formerly an annual event, usually reserved for black belts and advanced students. Now we are bringing it back and making it available to everyone ages 7 and older.


Hello Everyone,

A few quick updates, please make a note of all the things going on

Schedule this week, we have GUP GRADUATION this Friday night at 7:00pm, therefore, the 6:30 Black Belt only class will begin immediately AFTER BJJ at 6:00pm. Congratulations to those who tested for new ranks and are being promoted this Friday.

We are still open for regular classes this Saturday, for those attending the tournament in NJ this weekend (see below), best of luck to you!


River Winds Community Center - Thorofare, NJ

See Master Celona or Maddie for details if you are interested in competing and still haven't signed up.

2023 MARTIAL FUSION SEMINAR with Chris from Karate Unity

April 14-16 2023

(only open to Warrior Training members)

Joint seminar with both instructors sharing drills and exercises which will enhance and allow you to explore the deeper meanings to traditional martial arts techniques, by breaking down, extracting, and analyzing. Incorporating the techniques in a modern approach drawing from biomechanical principles and skills derived from combat sports. Whether you study a traditional martial art and have years of experience, or whether you're just starting out and want to gain additional value from what you're training. Or even if you study a modern martial art and are looking for an interesting take on the things you might be doing for the benefit of self-protection. We welcome anyone with an open mind, willing to train together with our martial arts brothers and sisters to further each others knowledge, skills and understanding.


Hello everyone!

Here is the update for today, take note there are a few important additions including dates for Summer Camp, Beach Workout, Pilsung Seminar, Tournament and more…


We would like to welcome Mr. Don Worrell as an instructor for our Friday Night Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class. Mr. Worrell is not only a BJJ Black Belt, with over a decade of experience, but is also a 3rd Dan Tang Soo Do black belt and former student under the late Master Louis Marvil. Mr Worrell is an excellent instructor and an all around great person. TEAM RMAI welcomes him.

For those who may or not be aware, we have a Beginner BJJ program for those 12 and older, this class is currently on Fridays at 5:00pm.

If the program grows, we may expand to other days and times. Students who are already training in our martial arts programs can add this membership for only $50 per month. This is a great opportunity to expand you martial arts knowledge to include grappling and ground fighting to be a more complete martial artist.

Regularly scheduled Black Belt Only class this Friday 6:30pm.

INNER-SCHOOL TOURNAMENT is this Saturday (3/4/23)! It should be a fun day of friendly family oriented competition. This will serve as a great warm up and practice for the upcoming tournament season.


Good morning!

I wanted to take moment to update everyone on some of the things going on:

Friday Night (2/24) Schedule:

Beginner BJJ: 5:00pm

Black Belt Only 6:30pm

Originally we were scheduled to have GUP Graduation at 7:00pm, however due to the small group, candidates will be promoted in class.

Saturday 2/25 is normal class schedule.

INNER-SCHOOL TOURNAMENT is next week! 3/4/23 Get signed up asap! Here's the link if you haven't done so already...


Our tentative schedule is this:

9:00am - Little Champions (3 - 6yrs old)

10:00am - Young Gladiators (7 - 11)

12:00pm - Warrior Training (12 and older & Red Belts and above).

We are highly requesting some more of our Black belts to sign up to make the competition more interesting.

Events are as follows:

Little Champions

Event A -Forms/Basics

Event B - Flag/Belt Sparring

Event C -Flying Side Kick


With the end of another year and the start of a new one often comes the perpetual haste to begin

a slew of New Year’s resolutions. This might be something like, ‘I’m going to give up sugar’,

‘go running every day’, ‘spend less time on my phone’, or ‘ put 20% of every paycheck in my

saving’s account.’

As with most people, we keep to these empty promises for the first week or so before finding

some excuse as to why we've given up on the goals that we so eagerly set for ourselves.

Sometimes this is due to starting off with too big of a task right off the bat. Someone who wants

to quit smoking, for example, might best find success through a gradual weaning process rather

than giving it up cold turkey. Other times, a lack of personal motivation is the culprit for our

failed resolutions.

Motivation works as our internal drive or reasoning for why we act in a certain way. Someone

who wants to save money for a new car might be motivated to work more hours. The end goal of

getting a new car thus influences their actions of working overtime. The same mindset can be

applied to our martial arts training.

While there are certain things within karate that require a partner or a group of people to practice,



Saturday March 4, 2023 9:00am

$35 early registration for RMAI members (includes ALL eligible events)

Test your skills in a family-friendly day of competition!

This competition is open to ALL members of RMAI, whether you train at the main Dojang, or one of our satellite locations. We will have divisions for all age groups, and all ranks 2nd Dan and under. This is an excellent opportunity to learn and grow with your extended RMAI family members.

TROPHIES will be awarded for 1st Place and Medals for 2nd & 3rd Place.

Register early to save $10. Early registration ends 2/25/23

Schedule of Events: COMING SOON!

To sign up click the button below:


Date: March 4, 2023

Time: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM



Good Afternoon!

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday. I know everyone probably appreciated the time off and well deserved rest.

Now with 2023 officially underway, I wanted to send out to everyone our first batch of calendar updates as well as

some important schedule changes, so please take note:


Beginning Monday January 9th, there are some slight schedule changes. Beginner Brazilian Jiujitsu will take place on Fridays 5:00pm, and the

Black Belt Only class will be from 6:30pm to 8:00pm with the exception on days where we have our Gup Graduation. For the time being, the BJJ class

will only be on Fridays until more people sign up for the program and we are able to recruit another instructor.


Will be held during the Black Belt Only time slot (6:30pm) on January 13th.


In an effort to maximize ours and everyone else's valuable time, we've decided for the year of 2023 to run ALL of our Gup Testing on

Saturdays instead of Mondays. In the past we've cancelled Monday classes for testing, and people don't always get the memo and show



Happy Monday everyone!

Congrats to everyone promoted in last week's testing cycle!

First thing I'd like to mention is my sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone who participated in the Flyers Demo this Saturday. I had a great time preparing and planning with all of you. The first few weeks we were kind of bouncing around different ideas, but in the last month it really came together and all of you worked so hard. Your professionalism and adaptability is a testament to the passion for martial arts you all possess. The hockey team on the other hand sadly didn't win, and I feel bad that I had to leave early as Max was not feeling well. But I wanted to make sure I said a few words of thanks to you. You did a great job, PILSUNG!

This week is the last training week of 2022! Next week we have our annual Winter Break. I may be here occasionally throughout next week to take care of some maintainance and office work. If that happens I will let people know if there is OPEN MAT time available. Other than that, we will be closed for regular classes 12/24 - 1/1/23. That leads me to my next topic...

12/23 Special Winter training for end of 2022


RMAI NEWS UPDATE (important FLYERS DEMO information)

Hello everyone, I wanted to give a definitive update to this weekend's event.

I'm very excited for our martial arts demonstration at the Wells Fargo Center this weekend as the Philadelphia Flyers take on the New York Rangers.

Here's the important information...

Everyone performing must be parked in the lot and ready to enter the building at 5:00.

Meet at the entrance on the 11th Street Side.

We've been permitted to be let in at 5:10 SHARP!! (Performing members only)

EVERYONE PERFORMING has to fill out this waiver:




Event: Concourse Performance

Family members and students not performing will be let in with the General Public at 5:30pm

I would recommend the family members and those watching the demonstration wait at our performing area (as they call it, the "4 Pillars" area) until after the performance is over.



A few quick updates, be sure to make note of all the important information listed below.

Today is GUP TESTING. There are NO Regular Classes today. For those confused about the timing for your test refer to the time next to your name.


John luke Pinakidis

Milo Kosmalski

Jack Kaminetsky

Jesse Saliba

Evan Yokoyama

Sam Randolph

Johnathan Ngo

Stephen Massimini

Rhodes Buccola

Jaleesa Colon

Graham Bovard

Everly Massimini

Andrew Westervelt

Reese Kampf


James Hu

Kabir Almad Rawool

Markos Pinakidis

Jonas Santore

Keigo Bundschuh

Abby Thompson

Jacen Saliba

Julian Saliba

Gavin Beck

Kavya Bhatta

John Bui

Karter Barrett

Madelyn Ngo

Jocelyn Herndon

Samuel Shieber


Krish Bhatta

Dev Renjit

Cara McGowan

Eilir Grace-Duff

Nicholas McNamara

Steven Delgado, Jr.

Michael Carbonara, Jr.

Joshua Saliba

Milo D'Andrea

Ethan Lin

Knowledge Gossett

Scott Mcclintok

Again - NO Class Monday 12/12


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Just a few items to go over about this week. Before I do that, I wanted to congratulate those who tested for their new Black Belt Ranks this past Saturday. Noah Mason, John Schuld, & Todd Liebel all represented RMAI well with their efforts in a challenging 3 hour exam. Grandmaster Kwon, as well as the other local association Masters witnessed their intensity and martial arts skills. We expect to release the results of the exam within the next few days. Again, congratulations to those people, we are all very proud.


5:30 to 6:30pm BLACK BELT ONLY CLASS - Due to the preparations in the Flyers Demo, we haven't had a Black Belt Only class in a few weeks. This Friday from 5:30 to 6:30 we will review Black Belt forms and Weapons.

6:30 - 8:00pm DEMO PRACTICE

We only have a few remaining practice dates before the Flyers Demo, We highly recommend everyone attend as many as they can so that we can feel confident going into the demo on the 17th. We've added an additional Saturday (12/10)


Regular Class schedule 9:15am to 12:30pm -

1:00 - 3:00pm MANDATORY DEMO PRACTICE (Full Uniform required)

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Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had an enjoyable Thanksgiving Holiday! As 2022 rapidly comes to a close (I know, it goes by so fast), I wanted to share with everyone a few remaining dates for the end of the year before we go into our annual winter break. Be sure to always check our social media pages, our blog page, emails and all of the normal lines of communication to stay in the loop about everything going on. We try to give a variety of different outlets to keep everyone informed.

First, we wanted to thank everyone who participated in our Annual Holiday Sale. We hope you were able to find some RMAI related gifts for the Karate warrior in your family. Thanks also to Maddie Clark who came in on Friday to run the event, she did an excellent job. I wanted to make sure I publicly thanked her for her work. For those who might not know, in addition to working behind the counter, and training in martial arts at RMAI, Maddie is also a writer. You can check out some of her work on our blog (click here: https://www.revolutionmartialartsinstitute.com/rmai-news

Let's get into the December dates...


Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to put out a few reminders and updates about this week.


We are open for regular classes Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, Thursday through Sunday. Regular classes will resume on Monday 11/28


Come to the studio on Friday November 25, between 12-4pm for our Black Friday sale. Save on sparring gear sets as well as training equipment, apparel and more. You can also check our online shop. Click the link below: https://revolution-martial-arts-institute.square.site/

FLYERS DEMO - The window for selecting new people to participate in the demo on 12/17 has closed, however a few people need to pay for their tickets still, please see me or Maddie to get settled up. We do plan on adding a few extra practices before the big event, but this is what we have so far:


Friday December 2 6:00 – 8:00pm

Friday December 9 6:30 – 8:00pm

Friday December 16 5:30 – 7:00pm


Due to the plethora of other activities going on at the end of 2022, in addition to everything else parents need to spend money on (Shopping for Thanksgiving and the Holidays mostly comes to mind), we've decided that our Year End Party and Awards Ceremony should be postponed until after the New Year. When the date and venue have been decided, we will make a formal announcement.


Good Afternoon everyone, a few quick reminders about this week!


Testing for students will be TODAY MONDAY 11/14 during regular class time for students Blue Belt and UNDER. There will be NO Classes during testing. Good luck to everyone

Carson Craig

Diego Ruiz

Ryan Sniezevage

Maddie Clark

Ronald Rosati

Ronnie Ferri

Logan Showers

Abby Thompson

Matteo Schuhl

Gavin Pedergnana

Mason Van Trieste

Max Fromme

Wisdom Gossett

Jasleen Colon

Those who successfully pass all requirements today will be striped up and invited to the graduation this Friday at 7:00pm


Hey, just letting you all know the window for getting involved in RMAI’s performance at the Flyers game is closing up fast, but there’s still time if you sign up before Wednesday (November 16th) We want you to be involved, tickets are required to enter the building, and the price is $65. Get signed up now, here is the remaining practice schedule:


Friday November 18 5:30 -7:00pm

Friday December 2 6:00 – 8:00pm

Friday December 9 6:30 – 8:00pm


Good morning everyone! A few reminders and a couple of changes to our calendar, so please take note.


This Friday night, is our final Black Belt pre-test. Test begins sharp at 5:30pm. There will be no 'run' the next morning. good luck everyone.

DEMO TEAM and RED Belt Test schedule CHANGES

Our RED BELT exam was originally scheduled for this Saturday, we have now rescheduled it for next Saturday 11/12/22 at 10:00am. There will be NO regular classes that day.

DEMO TEAM has the following changes to practice schedule:

Saturday 11/5/22 - 1:00pm

Saturday 11/12/22 CANCELLED

Saturday 11/19/22 rescheduled to Friday 11/18/22 5:30 -7pm


As you know, DOBOHK means Martial Arts Uniform. In a clever (at least I think so) play on words, we are having a week of classes where everyone will be required to wear regular clothes to class... hence the "no bohk" From Monday 11/7 to Saturday 11/12 students will NOT wear their dobohk to class. (ALL CLASSES) Comfortable workout clothes is fine, or even jeans... choice is yours.


Testing for students will be MONDAY 11/14 during regular class time for students Blue Belt and UNDER. There will be NO Classes. Students Brown and ABOVE will test on Saturday 11/12 at 10:00am, also there are NO classes that day.


When I started doing karate here at RMAI, I was mainly in it for the exercise and physical

conditioning aspects. It wasn’t until I began moving up a few belts that I really started to pay

more attention to perhaps the most important nuance of martial arts…self defense.

If you go back and study the origins of our two parent styles, Tang Soo Do and Taekwondo,

you’ll come to find that the main focus was self defense and personal safety as their techniques

were taught with the understanding of how they would be used against another person in any

type of physical attack.

For those who have taken a class here with Master Celona, you’ve probably heard him talk

about how the traditional forms were created as a way to practice a set of self defense

techniques during times when you don’t have a partner available. For example, while the first

two moves in Pilsung Il Jang appear to simply a be a low block towards your left side and a

stepping center punch, the low block can actually be used as an armbar and the stepping center

punch can help to initiate a throw as you go into the 270 degree turn towards your right side.


Hello everyone,

Some updates...


Due to the size of the Young Gladiators class, we've decided to add an extra session for White Belts only (9th and 10th Gups) See the schedule below. The shortened 30 minute session will enable us to provide a more beginner-friendly lesson plan and attention. Students who are 9th gup (White Belt with Black Stripe) who earn the first 2 progress stripes will be permitted to join the full hour class. Added schedule is as follows:

Monday and Wednesday 6:00pm to 6:30

Tuesday and Thursday 4:30pm to 5:00

Regular Young Gladiators schedule for Orange to Brown belts will still be held at the normal time.


As you know, DOBOHK means Martial Arts Uniform. In a clever (at least I think so) play on words, we are having a week of classes where everyone will be required to wear regular clothes to class... hence the "no bohk" From Monday 11/7 to Saturday 11/12 students will NOT wear their dobohk to class. (ALL CLASSES) Comfortable workout clothes is fine, or even jeans... choice is yours.


We hope you can make it out as the Philadelphia Flyers take on the New York Rangers in a Saturday night showdown! Game time is 7:00pm Team RMAI has been invited to do a special Martial Arts Demonstration prior to the game. We are scheduled to perform in the main concourse area at around 5:40pm. See Master Celona for additional details. People who want to support RMAI and cheer both the Flyers and our studio on are welcome also. All attendees must have a ticket for the game. Special ticket price for RMAI is $65.00. Please sign-up ASAP if you’d like to be a part of the Demonstration. Those who sign up are expected to make as many practices as possible. This will be a great chance to get out and bond with our extended RMAI family as we cheer the Flyers on to victory!



Swarthmore Charity Fun Fair and Parade

Hello everyone, I wanted to remind everyone about RMAI participating in tomorrow's Swarthmore Charity Fun Fair. We will have our booth set up in space #1 which is supposedly set up across the street from the Dunkin Donuts on Park ave, (across from the train station). Our booth will be set up by 11:30am. We will be there all day if you'd like to stop by.


We would greatly appreciate as many students as possible put on their uniforms, and walk in the parade with us. We are set to meet at 11:45am on Park Avenue, just past the Methodist Church. Look for me in uniform with the other students.

Maybe if enough of us are there, we can show some techniques!

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Master Celona



Hello Everyone!

A few reminders:


Monday September 12 we will be holding GUP Testing in our regularly scheduled classes. As of this date this is the list of names, which may be subject to change depending on student performance.

John Bui

Gavin Beck

Wisdom Gossett

Gloria Guo

Nicholas Dukaj

Zion Babbitt

Kaelyn Roundtree

Owen Saltis

Lars Heinrich

Good luck to the candidates

GUP GRADUATION -9/16 at 7pm


Like a lot of things that are coming up for the remainder of the year, we are reprising our presence at this year’s Swarthmore Fun Fair. On Sunday, September 18th, we will be hosting our own booth within the Swarthmore Village. This is a chance for us as to show off our awesome school to those in the community and convince them to be warriors in training like us. Maybe not that exact wording but you know what I mean. Students are encouraged attend in full uniform help demonstrate some skills, do a little breaking, and just show why RMAI is the place to be. As of right now, the parade is back on, and there will be a signup sheet in the lobby, so get your name on it…

rika 1.png

Having just turned 24 a little over a month ago, I am, by most people’s standards, still very

young. With the average life expectancy of a human now being 78.6 years old, I technically still

have about two thirds of my life left to live.

Speaking from a karate standpoint on the other hand, I feel as though my age isn’t doing me any


During the first six months to a year of being at RMAI, I was often the oldest beginner belt in the

room while there were several kids who, despite being younger than me by more than half my

age, were still considered my seniors in terms of rank.

Though I try not to compare myself to others, which is a constant issue I have, not only in karate

but in all aspects of life, I often look at some of these “Karate Kids” and find myself a little

envious of them. I didn’t start doing karate until after I had graduated college while a lot of the

younger advanced belts started taking classes before they even started kindergarten.

For a lot of these kids who’ve been training for most of their lives, there are still relatively no

boundaries as to what they could accomplish; whether that’s winning grand championships in


Before I ever stepped through the doors of Revolution Martial Arts Institute and learned my first

form or threw my first kick, Ralph Macchio, the teachings of Mr. Miyagi, and their Cobra Kai

adversaries were the only references I had when it came to karate. If you had parents that grew

up in the 80s, or lived through the 80s yourself, I’m sure this is a point of view that you can also


In all the times that I would practice Daniel’s infamous match point crane kick in my bedroom or

recite Cobra Kai’s “No Mercy” mantra…”we do not train to be merciful here, mercy is for the

weak,” you know where I’m going with this; martial arts training was not something I imagined

myself doing out in the real world.

For those of you that know me from class, or have recently seen me working behind the RMAI

desk, you might know a little bit of my story. For those that don’t, it is not my intention to make

this post, or any others in the future, an all about me rant. I’ll try my best anyway. Instead, I hope

that by sharing some of my experiences, I can create some sort of dialogue for everyone that’s a

part of this karate loving community; whether you’re a current or former student, the parent of a


Welcome to our Blog!

We are finally doing something with this section on our site, so if you're interested in contributing to our RMAI Blog, send me an email to mastermcelona@gmail.com with the subject: BLOG POST and if approved, it will appear on this page!

Thank you!
