Hello Everyone,

A few quick updates, please make a note of all the things going on

Schedule this week, we have GUP GRADUATION this Friday night at 7:00pm, therefore, the 6:30 Black Belt only class will begin immediately AFTER BJJ at 6:00pm. Congratulations to those who tested for new ranks and are being promoted this Friday.

We are still open for regular classes this Saturday, for those attending the tournament in NJ this weekend (see below), best of luck to you!


River Winds Community Center - Thorofare, NJ

See Master Celona or Maddie for details if you are interested in competing and still haven't signed up.

2023 MARTIAL FUSION SEMINAR with Chris from Karate Unity

April 14-16 2023

(only open to Warrior Training members)

Joint seminar with both instructors sharing drills and exercises which will enhance and allow you to explore the deeper meanings to traditional martial arts techniques, by breaking down, extracting, and analyzing. Incorporating the techniques in a modern approach drawing from biomechanical principles and skills derived from combat sports. Whether you study a traditional martial art and have years of experience, or whether you're just starting out and want to gain additional value from what you're training. Or even if you study a modern martial art and are looking for an interesting take on the things you might be doing for the benefit of self-protection. We welcome anyone with an open mind, willing to train together with our martial arts brothers and sisters to further each others knowledge, skills and understanding.

Come unite, explore, train and share in new drills to enhance your martial arts skills!

Check out the trailer here:


Sign up link:



Saturday April 29, 2023. Venue TBD

For the first time in at least 5 years. The Association Master instructors will be hosting a special seminar open to all members. Specialized, detailed instruction will be given to improve your technical proficiency, and overall depth and understanding. This was formerly an annual event, usually reserved for black belts and advanced students. Now we are bringing it back and making it available to everyone. Sign up link will be provided soon!

BLACK BELT PRE-TEST 75% Qualifying Exam

Friday 4/21/23 5:00pm

Saturday 4/22/23 8:00am Physical Conditioning (the track @ Strath Haven Middle School)


Sign ups are now open for our Karate Summer Camp! Sign up at the link below for the week of June 19-23 8am to 3pm


BEACH WORKOUT - July 29 Ocean City, NJ. Mark your calendar for the Beach Workout, this year we are returning to Ocean City, NJ. Book your rooms now if you'd like to spend the weekend.

Other dates in not-to-distant future

4/22/23 GUP TEST

4/28/23 Graduation

5/13/23 GUP TEST

5/16/23 Martial Arts Photo Night (no classes) with RMAPCO - sign up sheet is in lobby

5/19/23 BLACK BELT PRE-TEST 85% Qualifying Exam

5/20/23 Graduation 12:30pm

5/26-5/29 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND (Studio Closed)

5/26 & 5/27 NAFMA NATIONALS Martial Arts Championships - Atlantic City, NJ

6/10/23 PMAA Black Belt Final Exam

That's all for now, enjoy the rest of your week!

Master Celona