Happy Monday everyone!
Congratulations to the following people on the promotion to their new Black Belt ranks!
Magdalena Guron 2nd Dan
Eydiejo Kurchan 2nd Dan
Nathan Dur 1st Dan
Mark Bertotti 1st Dan
T-SHIRTS: For those who ordered new t-shirts. They have arrived, see a staff member to collect your order. In addition, we have put the Blue Long sleeve t-shirt, and the last remaining Red 2020, and Grey Pilsung 2018 shirts on clearance for $5.
7/15/23 - 7/21/23 GUP TESTING & Graduations
TESTING LIST: The following people are scheduled to test for their new ranks on Saturday July 15th.
Sam Randolph 8th Gup Orange Belt
Johnathan Ngo 8th Gup Orange Belt
Elodie Ackerman 8th Gup Orange Belt
Bea Perry 8th Gup Orange Belt
Jesse Saliba 8th Gup Orange Belt
Madelyn Ngo 4th Gup Blue Belt
Karter Barrett 4th Gup Blue Belt
Matteo Schuhl 3rd Gup Brown Belt
Logan Showers 3rd Gup Brown Belt
Ronnie Ferri 3rd Gup Brown Belt
Lars Heinrich 2nd Gup Red Belt
Milo D'Andrea 2nd Gup Red Belt
Michael Carbonara, Jr. 1st Gup Red Belt with White Stripe
Devika Renjit Cho Dan Bo
Dev Renjit Cho Dan Bo
Thankappan Renjit Cho Dan Bo
Please wish all of the candidates the best of luck.
BEACH WORKOUT - July 29 Ocean City, NJ. Mark your calendar for the Beach Workout, this year we are returning to Ocean City, NJ. Book your rooms now if you'd like to spend the weekend. We would like to have a rough estimate of how many people will be attending, please sign the list in the lobby.
We are now booking self-defense seminars for groups of about 10 or more. This is perfect for small business owners and social groups looking for team building, self-defense training, or just something fun and different. Seminars can take place at RMAI or at your facility. Email mailto:mastermcelona@gmail.com for more information.
Summertime also means that our schedule is open to accepting private lessons. High level, premium 30 minute private lessons to improve your skills. Limited spaces available, click here: https://revolutionmartialartsinstitute.sites.zenplanner.com/scheduler-calendar.cfm?appointmentTemplateId=0D89C2CA-E937-48BA-A4AF-4CCDD6B61E8C
Have a great week everyone!