
Book your special training seminar or event with Master Celona and TEAM RMAI !

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About our Seminars

Empowerment and Confidence

Imagine walking down the street with a newfound sense of security, knowing you have the skills to protect yourself. Booking a self-defense seminar is not just about learning techniques—it's about empowering yourself. Our seminars provide practical, hands-on training that boosts your confidence and equips you with the knowledge to handle various situations safely and effectively. Join us and take control of your safety and peace of mind.

Life-Saving Skills

In today’s world, personal safety is paramount. Our self-defense seminars teach critical life-saving skills that could make all the difference in a dangerous situation. You will learn to recognize threats, employ defensive tactics, and stay calm under pressure. These skills are invaluable and could be the key to protecting yourself and your loved ones. Don’t wait until it’s too late—prepare yourself with our expert-led training.


Let's Learn together!

Fitness and Fun

Self-defense training isn’t just about protection—it’s also a great way to stay fit and have fun. Our seminars incorporate physical exercises that improve your strength, agility, and reflexes. Plus, the engaging and interactive nature of our sessions makes learning enjoyable and rewarding. Whether you’re looking to enhance your fitness routine or learn something new, our self-defense seminars offer the perfect blend of education and entertainment.

Community and Connection

When you book a self-defense seminar, you join a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to personal safety and self-improvement. Our seminars foster a supportive environment where participants encourage and learn from each other. It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, share experiences, and build connections while gaining valuable skills. Experience the camaraderie and collective empowerment that our seminars offer.


Customize your experience

Professional Expertise

Our self-defense seminars are led by experienced professionals who bring years of training and real-world experience to the table. They provide expert guidance and personalized instruction to ensure you understand and can effectively apply the techniques. With their knowledge and support, you’ll leave our seminar feeling more capable and prepared to handle any situation. Trust in our expertise to help you become your own first line of defense.

We are pleased to inform you about our Corporate Workshops, Seminars, & Retreats. Whether you’re interested in hosting a seminar on your campus, or scheduling a retreat at our location or elsewhere, we offer a variety of different learning and training opportunities with a variety of customizable options to provide your group with the best experience possible.

Some of the topics you might be interested in:

• General Skills in Self-Protection

• Women’s Self-Defense & Rape Prevention.

• Active shooter defense

• Martial Arts lessons in Leadership for Executives

• Martial Arts Style Goal Setting Strategies for the Workplace

• Team Building Warrior Weekend Retreat

And more…


Let us help boost your team morale!

We understand that every organization has different wants and needs. While some companies are looking for a half-day seminar filled with some fun stress releasing whacks on a punching target, others might opt for a fully integrated weekend seminar that improves the working dynamic of a company forever.

Contact us now, we can help you get started today!