Hello everyone!!
I wanted to take the time and send everyone a message with a few important updates...
From Friday 9/1, until Monday 9/4 we will be CLOSED for the Labor Day Holiday. We will reopen again on Tuesday 9/5 with our new FALL Schedule in effect. (See photo) if you have any questions as to which class you should attend, See a staff member.
T-SHIRTS: Beginning on TUESDAY September 5th, ALL students MUST be in FULL DOBOHK. T-shirts will not be permitted in classes. Please be sure to pack full uniform (jacket, pants, and belt). Students will not be permitted to join class without it. Parents, please avoid unnecessary inconvenience, and confirm your child has all the contents they need for class.
SPARRING GEAR: Students who own sparring gear must bring it to every class, whether we plan on sparring or not. Being prepared is one of the lessons we aim to teach in martial arts. Beginning September 1st. Students who forget to pack it, will sit and watch sparring, and will not participate. Remember, students who are green belt, cannot progress without owning a set of sparring gear. The 5th stripe for green and above is not only for "One-Step Sparring", but for ALL Sparring. Families with multiple children may inquire about a quantity discount.
Master Celona will be taking part in a special seminar event open to all martial artists over the age of 13 with at least 6 months experience. This is the FREE TRAINING DAY 2023 hosted by Whistlekick Martial Arts Radio. As per the title, this event is FREE, and is a great way to train and network with martial artists of all backgrounds and styles. Master Celona will be teaching a section of this event, and hopes as many of his students will attend. The event is on Saturday September 23, 2023 at Chichester High School in Boothwyn, PA (10 minute drive from RMAI). For more information click here:
RMAI will be hosting a promotional booth at this event on Sunday October 1st
RMAI will be hosting a promotional booth at this event on Sunday October 8th
Our Black Belt testing cycle for the fall winter this year will experiment with a slightly different format. Instead of three separate qualifying exams, we will run two tests before the PMAA final in December, more information will follow... but here are the tentative dates:
TEST #1 RMAI Black Belt Qualifier (70%) 9/30 (Saturday) 9:00am
TEST #2 RMAI Black Belt Final Cut (85%) 11/4 (Saturday) 9:00am
TEST #3 P.M.A.A BLACK BELT FINAL EXAM 12/9 @Bucks County Karate 10:00am
PMAA TOURNAMENT - The originally scheduled PMAA Tournament has unfortunately been rescheduled for April 13, 2024. (sorry)
We apologize for this inconvenience. As a replacement, we are planning another Inner-School RMAI Tournament for students to practice and compete. Details will follow soon.
PAINTBALL - We are considering organizing an RMAI paintball trip for students 14 and older. In the past, we participated in studio field trips (unrelated to martial arts) as a way for students to bond and have fun. In the late 90s we used to go paintballing at Poco Loco in Limerick PA once a year. For those who might be interested... we originally thought of 10/14 as a possible date, but that will not work. We are thinking of something later in October, or early November.. be on the look out for more information.
Last fall we hosted a few FREE intro lessons for people to try martial arts. These events were a huge success, and those who participated last year, are in fact still training here a whole year later. (awesome) If you know anyone who might be interested, send them the link below. In addition, if anyone would like to help and assist in this class, let me know. These events are FREE, you just need to reserve your spot. sign up here:
Parents, We are hosting a self-defense seminar on Saturday December 2 at 1:00pm Share this with all of your non-martial arts friends. Price is $50. You do not have to be an RMAI student to attend, this event is open to the general public.. Space is limited. Click here to RSVP.
We are booking self-defense seminars for groups of about 10 or more. This is perfect for small business owners and social groups looking for team building, self-defense training, or just something fun and different. Seminars can take place at RMAI or at your facility. Email mastermcelona@gmail.com for more information.
I apologize in advance if the following comes off as rude. But it's been increasing lately, and must be addressed. One of the most disruptive things in class, is a student being late. Once in a while lateness is understandable... traffic, working late...etc. Habitual lateness is a bad habit for the student and the parent to get into, in addition is taken as an insult to the class. At RMAI, the policy has always been, for a student arriving late to perform exercises in the back before being allowed to enter class. Students more than 15 minutes late will NOT be permitted to enter class. Please make a note of class times, especially after the schedule change on 9/5. We hope adding additional classes and times will end this seemingly growing epidemic. We want to develop good habits in the students. Just like our schools don't allow lateness, and our employers generally detest lateness... allowing students to be late to class is signaling to them that it's okay to be late for something important. We discourage this thinking.
Sorry for this rant. If you have questions or concerns, address it to Master Celona directly.
I can't believe 2023 is nearly over. Summer has gone by so quickly. We are already beginning to plan some ideas for 2024. Next year, we plan on releasing dates for 2024 events early enough for people to plan accordingly. In addition, we want to be involved in more community based events, and offer more special events at the studio. To make these things happen, we will need to enlist a whole group of part-time/temporary employees to help the studio. We are likely to recruit from our growing pool of teenage martial artists, as they tend to be the most energetic and best ambassadors for the studio. In the coming weeks and months, we will be relaunching our TEAM RMAI assistant program. In the past, we focused more on the teaching aspect, and because of that, we have a great group of young instructors. We want to expand this into a more involved activity that can lead to actual employment at the studio in 2024. Be on the lookout for more information.
and lastly...
COACHING - We are about to launch our martial arts based mindset coaching program for anyone 18 and older. This program will be tailored to those who want to achieve more in life, as well as in their business. It's a journey towards personal excellence that we are calling...
This program will be a mix of motivational/instructional videos, as well as 1 on 1 zoom and in person meetings for those who seek to improve their life, drawing on Martial arts history, and philosophy. This program is nearly four years in the making. Be on the lookout soon for more information if you're interested.
More information to come soon... stay tuned.
Enjoy the rest of the week everyone!